Enjoying time at the petting zoo during the fall festival held at the Georgetown Church of Christ on Oct. 12. Photo by Wade Linville
From games and prizes to food and live music, free fun could be found for all ages at the first annual Shared Life Fall Festival held at the Georgetown Church of Christ Oct. 12.
Crowds started packing into the church parking lot around 3 p.m. to enjoy the festivities on Saturday.
While Georgetown Church of Christ Minister Jason Galley created wood carvings with a chainsaw on one end of the parking lot, others enjoyed a slew of activities that included cowboy roping demonstrations, bouncy houses, a petting zoo, and hay rides.
Taking the lead in coordinating Saturday’s Shared Life event were Marty and Hanna Koehler, members of the Georgetown Church of Christ.
“She spearheaded it. It’s one of our Shared Life events. Every three months we have an event like this, and this is our big kick off to those,” said Marty Koehler. “So, it’s for the church and for the entire community.”
The fall festival was coordinated as event planners for the church looked to find something other than its annual trunk-or-treat to bring the community together.
“We usually do trunk-of-treat every year, and we decided this year that we’re going to steer away from trunk-or-treat, but we still wanted to do something for the community and the kids because there’s such a huge turnout for trunk-or-treat,” said Hanna Koehler. “So, we decided let’s bring back some fall festivals.”
“We wanted to have something, not only for the kids, but the parents, too,” said Marty Koehler.
The fall festival also included live country music performed by Patrick Roush and a worship service.