The annual Pregnancy Resource Center Walk for Life was held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt. Orab, Ohio on Saturday, Sept. 16.
The annual Pregnancy Resource Center Walk for Life was held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt. Orab, Ohio on Saturday, Sept. 16. The PRC is celebrating 30 years of serving Brown County and inspiring hope for life to their clients. Approximately 50 people gathered to show their support for life and the work of the Pregnancy Resource Center here in Brown County. Multiple churches from the county were represented. A total of $11,077 was collected to further the work done by the PRC-A Place of Hope as they assist women in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy and families with infants and toddlers. The participants walked through town holding signs showing their support of life for the preborn. The dual purpose of the annual Walk is to provide an opportunity for community members to support the PRC A Place of Hope as they work to give parents the accurate information, along with the emotional and material support they need to choose life for their baby and also as an opportunity to raise funds to financially support the Center. The vision of the PRC is to inspire hope so all may have the opportunity to choose life.
Through the support of the local businesses all participants received gifts and those who collected the most money in their category received prizes which were donated by area businesses. The donations from these businesses are much appreciated by the PRC. Winners were: Youth 1st place: Georgia Ulrich; 2nd place: Emma Grace Ulrich; 3rd place: Evelyn Cahall; Female 1st place: Kim Hart; Female 2nd place: Kay Davenport; Female 3rd place: Candy Cahall; Male 1st place: David Sharp; Male 2nd place: Sam Jones; Male 3rd place: James Warf, Jr.
The Pregnancy Resource Center is a non-profit, life affirming organization that provides services for women in the midst of unplanned pregnancies and families with infants and toddlers. Services available include free pregnancy tests, information regarding fetal development and choices available when struggling with decisions involving an unplanned pregnancy. Parents are given an opportunity to earn items such as a car seat, crib, blankets, a “shopping trip” at our Baby Boutique and many other needed supplies and baby equipment. Services are available to all expectant mothers and families with infants and toddlers in Brown County and surrounding communities. Families may come to the PRC to receive emergency supplies of diapers, wipes, formula and baby food. Also available is clothing for size Preemie to 5 Toddler. Both mothers and fathers are invited to take advantage of PRC services, as are grandparents and others who may have custody of infants and toddlers.
Although all services are provided free of charge, clients participate in parenting and relationship classes in order to earn the items needed. This gives them the knowledge that they earned what they received and also the opportunity to improve their parenting skills.
The PRC is located at 852 Mt. Orab Pike in Georgetown, Ohio. It is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Clients may call for an appointment (937-378-6853) during regular office hours. Walk-ins are also welcome, but those with an appointment take priority.