Robbie Mingua, of Georgetown, received his high school diploma at the age of 39 in June of 2021, attending the post secondary program offered through Southern Hills Career and Technical Center.
Like a number of others, Robbie Mingua lacked enough credits to graduate from high school the first time around. Of course, the opportunity to receive his GED was available at the time, but as an adult Mingua regretted not being able to receive his high school diploma. Years passed and life carried on for Mingua. He was able to find stable employment, becoming a caring husband and father who works hard to support his family. However, the desire to receive his high school diploma still lingered in his mind. For Mingua, receiving his diploma would not only be an educational accomplishment on a personal level, but he felt it would help his children understand the importance of receiving an education.
“I know, for me, it was an opportunity to show my children that education is important and valuable,” said Mingua, whose hometown is Georgetown.
So, at the age of 39 he was able to come across a local post secondary program offered through Southern Hills Career and Technical Center.
At Brown and Clermont Adult Career Campuses, adults 18 and older can receive their high school diplomas in a relatively short amount of time. Mingua jumped at the opportunity to go back to school.
“In the beginning, it was very scary and I didn’t know what to expect, or if I would be able to remember anything I had learned in high school. Once I got started with my classes and taking the tests for each chapter, I began to realize that this was not at all difficult,” he said.
Receiving support from an excellent staff that included SHCTC A+ Virtual Educator Dusty Gray and Post Secondary Campus Director Vicki Carrington, Mingua quickly got into the groove of being a high school student once again.
Mingua had two years to complete all of the courses he needed to receive his high school diploma, but it took him only three weeks.
“It really helped that Mrs. Gray offered me all the support I needed,” said Mingua.
After completing his courses, he then had to pass the Proficiency Test. In June of 2021 at the age of 39, Mingua received his diploma from Georgetown High School, the school he originally attended prior to adulthood.
Now at 40 years old, receiving a high school diploma has already led to some changes in his life, including providing him with the confidence to start his own business.
He continues to work his regular job at NAPA Auto Parts and now operates his own business, Robbie’s Lawn Service.
“Completing this program gave my self esteem a huge boost, which has helped me to make many improvements in my life already. This program gives individuals the opportunity to finish what they have started, and they can go on to college if they so desire. I had graduated from Southern Hills CTC in 2002 with only a certificate in welding, which did allow me to be successful in the workforce and to earn a decent living. However, it did not allow me to be able to go to college and further my education. Turns out, there are many individuals like myself that went through high school but were a couple of credits from getting their diploma. This program is a perfect way for them to get those missing courses and their diploma,” said Mingua.
Rather than sending out the message to his children that they don’t necessarily need an education to succeed in life, Mingua now serves as an example to his children of how important it is to get a complete high school education and receive a high school diploma.
“First, it allowed me to hold my children to a higher standard when it comes to their education. They can no longer tell me that they don’t need an education to get somewhere in life, as I didn’t. Second, it gave me the courage to start a new local business. I used to feel like I was not ‘smart’ enough to do different things, but now I realize that, if I set my mind to it and work at it, I can achieve new goals,” said Mingua.
Although the opportunity is there for adults to return to high school courses and receive their diplomas, Mingua doesn’t discourage anyone on going back to school to receive their GED, whatever they can do to further their education.
“I would never discourage anyone about getting their GED and I have no idea what that would be like. However, I would encourage anyone that didn’t finish high school to call Mrs. Gray at Southern Hills CTC and check out this program. I did it at home, online, with phone communication. However, that is not the only means of completing this program. They offer many ways to get your diploma and, in some cases, you can get your certificate in different programs at the same time. This program is truly designed to meet the individual’s needs and goals. Also, I feel like Mrs. Gray and Vicki Carrington were there for me, rooting me on and giving me the support I needed when things were a little difficult. I might have just given up if not for that. Lastly, the program and support are free of charge to the individual. All they have to do it put in the work,” Mingua explained.
Unfortunately, lack of enrollment into this local post secondary program has put the program in a bit of jeopardy.
For adults who wish to return to high school courses and receive their diplomas, it’s not too late.
To get enrolled into the program, contact Vicki Carrington at (937) 378-6131 ext. 402. You can also call (937) 378-6131 ext. 401.
Information on the Adult Diploma Program can also be found on the SHCTC website at https://www.shctc.us under “post secondary” tab, or by visiting https://www.bccareer.org.
“I think that this program gives individuals the opportunity to grow and have more opportunities to better their lives. I feel this is important to growing a better local community. While success may look different with each individual that utilizes this program, they will each bring something more to Brown County,” said Mingua.